Get the answers you need to move forward with your design goals for a room in your home.

Join me for an Online Design Consultation to ask questions, explore ideas, and receive guidance to create the look and feel that you are going for.

online interior design consultations

What’s included in an Online Design Consultation:

  • A 30 minute online meeting.
  • A pre-meeting questionnaire to find out what you would like help with and what your goals are for your room.
  • A post-meeting email with an overview of what we covered during the meeting.
  • We meet to discuss one room or area of your home. You can easily book another meeting to discuss other areas or rooms by paying for another consultation.

Other details:

  • An Online Design Consultation is $55.00.
  • After you pay for your consultation, you’ll be redirected to a page to complete a questionnaire to let me know what you would like help with, and to let me know the days and times you are available. Consultations are scheduled a minimum of two weeks in advance from when your payment is received.
  • When you pay for and book an Online Design Consultation with me, you are in agreement with my Policies.
  • If you have any questions, please send me a message on my Contact Form.
  • Pay for your consultation by selecting the button below.
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